Once again, Catholic homeschoolers are gathering virtually to be encouraged as they fulfill their mission to be the primary educators of their children: "Cultivating Holiness in Your Homeschool‚" June 9-10, 2023.
Homeschool Connections, a leading provider of on-line classes both live and recorded for over a decade, are again hosting the premier Catholic homeschool conference. Maureen Wittmann and Walter Crawford, co-directors of Homeschool Connections are committed to not letting anything stop Catholic homeschoolers from getting everything they needed to enrich their families.
From excellent talks to meeting the colleges and universities and seeing the materials they might need for success from a variety of exhibitors their conference is packed.
Homeschooling has seen a dramatic increase in the past few years due in part to the recent pandemic. It is estimated that 3.1M homeschoolers nationwide and many of these are Catholic. While in-person conferences are making a return, an on-line format brings its own benefits. It not only almost eliminates the costs for all involved, a virtual conferences allows families across international time-zones to attend and meet via conference meet-ups. With no travel, parents can watch together and friends can plan watch parties.
Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak, well-known Catholic radio hosts and authors, will be the keynote speakers: "How to be a more Loving, Connected, Caring and Catholic homeschool Family." Fr. Joseph Gill, Jennifer Macintosh and other quality homeschool speakers are scheduled for live events. An additional 20+ recorded talks will be made available attendees to choose from. A fully interactive vendor area is accessible throughout the event with scheduled live access to such sponsors as Franciscan University, Ignatius Press, and Fiat Life Coaching and over 20 more exhibitors. Every attendee will also receive access to the content for a year giving them an opportunity to see everything available when it is most convenient.
GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS, written by Pope Paul VI, Oct. 28, 1965, tells us parents are "bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and principal educators." For many parents who decide to take on this responsibility within their home, this conference has become a necessary part of that adventure.