I Am The Immaculate Conception, a new Marian docu-drama, will be released in U.S. theaters nationwide on December 12th, 14th, and 17th.
From Fathom Events and the filmmakers who created ‘Love and Mercy: Faustina’ comes a new documentary that will teach and inspire about Mary, the mother of Christ
Just in time for the Advent and Christmas seasons, Fathom Events and Kondrat Media announce the upcoming release of the new docu-drama I Am The Immaculate Conception in U.S. theaters nationwide starting December 12. Produced and directed by Michal Kondrat (Love and Mercy: Faustina, Purgatory, Prophet) and in association with the Marian Fathers, the movie brings audiences a powerful experience of Mary, the Mother of God during the Advent season of preparation for Christmas. Tickets are on sale now via FathomEvents.com Watch the official trailer here.
“I Am The Immaculate Conception” were the words spoken by Mary, the Mother of God, as she introduced herself to St. Bernadette in 1858 in Lourdes, France. During the seasons of Advent and Christmas, filmmakers invite audiences to ponder why Mary presents herself this way. In I Am The Immaculate Conception, a group of eminent experts, including the Marian Fathers, analyze Greek texts of the Holy Scripture, revelations and the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. The result is a new interpretation of Scripture passages revealing Mary, the Mother of Christ, and her extraordinary role in the divine plan for the salvation of the world. I Am The Immaculate Conception, used the latest technologies, including a virtual LED studio, and traditional scenography, to transport audiences to the eternal acts of the Holy Family - over 2000 years ago - to participate in the most crucial moments of Mary and Jesus’ lives, such as the miracle at the Wedding at Cana, the Last Supper and Golgotha.
Tickets for I Am The Immaculate Conception are on sale through the Fathom Events website and participating theater box offices. For a complete list of theater locations, visit FathomEvents.com (participating theaters are subject to change).
“We are so grateful to the Marian Fathers for their collaboration on this film that is going to bring audiences to a point of reflection on Mary during the season where we honor her and her role in God’s plan for salvation,” said Michal Kondrat, producer, I Am The Immaculate Conception. “This is a movie for today’s world in need of the sound teaching of the Church and the presence of Our Mother, Mary, the Immaculate Conception. We encourage families, parishes and schools to see this movie together to grow in their love and devotion to Mary and her son Jesus.”
Featured experts in the docu-drama include: The Marian Fathers in the U.S. ● Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, provincial superior ● Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, superior general ● Fr. Kaz Chwalek, MIC ● Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC ● Fr. Boguslaw Gil. MIC (Missionary in Vietnam)
Missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul ● Fr. Dr. Adam Sejbuk, CM
Conventional Franciscan Friars ● Prof. Fr. Grzegorz Bartosik, OFM, provincial in Poland
Throughout the film, several prominent priests from the Congregation of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary bring forward the Marian dogma of the Catholic Church pertaining to Mary, the Mother of God. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, provincial superior said, “God needed to create Mary Immaculate because He needed a vessel by which to bring His Son to earth to fulfill His plan of redemption. Now, God cannot co-exist with sin so that vessel had to be pure, spotless, and immaculate.” Fr. Alar later went on to say, “At this point in history, our world is war-torn, broken, and in need of the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart. We need to be reminded that Mary stands with her arms open flowing with the graces of her Son to receive us and help us in these troubled times.” What is Our Lady’s role under the title of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception for the United States? In an exclusive bonus feature to play after the main movie event, hear from the rector of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at the nation’s capital speaking about Mary’s historic role in American history and why the U.S. Bishops urged consecration to Our Lady under the title of the Immaculate Conception.
“Imagine if our film created a surge of renewed devotion to Our Lady under the title of the Immaculate Conception,” said Michal Kondrat. “The Virgin Mary is precisely who our broken world needs as an intercessor, a motherly guide and a way to her son Jesus. I pray this movie is an inspiration to all Americans looking for the divine and to understand what Mary’s story means in today’s world. I pray that Catholics in America flood the theaters for an on-screen encounter with the Immaculate Conception.”