By Tiziana Campisi
The International Union of Superiors General (IUSG) is scheduled to meet in Rome from 2 to 6 May for its 22nd Plenary Assembly which will bring together some 700 religious, of 71 different nationalities. 521 Superior generals are expected to attend in person to discuss the theme:"Embracing Vulnerability in the Synodal Journey”.
Ten key speakers will lead reflections on the focus theme of synodality from five perspectives: vulnerability, synodal process, religious life and synodality, peripheries, calls to transformation.
The event will be presented on Friday, April 29 at 12,00 pm at the Press Office of the Holy See by Sister Jolanta Kafka, President of the UISG, Sister Patricia Murray, Executive Secretary, Sister Franca Zonta, Superior General of the Marianist Sisters and Sister Roxanne Schares, Superior General of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
A space for listening and research
"There are many ways to make synodality visible: our assembly, with its contents and methods, is an experience of synodality of female religious life and and we truly hope to experience a privileged space of listening and research accompanied by the Holy Spirit”, Sister Jolanta explains. “We will discuss how we are contributing to the synodal process of the Church, how we can encourage deep listening in a synodal style, and how to enter into a dynamic of common discernment as a Church by recognizing vulnerability as a typically human feature".
The International Union of Superiors General
The IUSG founded in 1965 as a global forum for superiors general of institutions of Catholic women religious. Its members include some 1,900 superiors, whose general houses are distributed in 97 countries around the globe: 25 European countries; 16 Asian countries, 30 American countries, 22 countries in Africa and 4 countries in Oceania.
The organization's stated mission is to: provide an International Forum where Superiors General can share experiences and information; encourage dialogue and collaboration among religious congregations within the Church and larger society; offer regular programs, meetings and publications; assist members in their development as leaders of religious congregations; communicate with the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL) and other significant Church and social Organizations on matters concerning Religious Life; foster networking and solidarity among the Women Religious of the world.
At the Plenary, the most represented continent will be Europe. The most represented countries from their respective continent will be the Democratic Republic of Congo; India; the United States and, in Central and South America, Mexico and Brazil.