As any proud parent would, her mom also had some very glowing comments about Elizabeth’s abilities:“Elizabeth was in my kindergarten class last school year, and from the first day I met her to test her for kindergarten, I knew she was a very special child. She was very polite and deliberate in everything she did, from the way she spoke to the way she wrote and drew. When she was in my class she always made sure whatever she was doing was done well; I would definitely consider her a perfectionist. In class, she always strived for excellence even when faced with a challenge. She had some trouble learning her letter sounds most likely because she is bilingual; she practiced until she could say and identify them all, even before most other students were able to accomplish this. She always turned in quality work from her writing to her drawing and coloring.
Most people — adults and other children — thought her work was done by an adult because it was so well done. But I assured them I saw her do her work, and it was all Elizabeth. This is just who she is; someone who strives for and accomplishes excellence in all her work. I feel very blessed to have had her in my class, and I have no doubt that she will be successful in all she does in her future.”
We pray that Elizabeth’s success story inspires all of our“Elizabeth has always enjoyed writing and always takes her time when completing a project. She pays attention to detail. She is also enjoying her art class this year with Ms. Moore. She is doing some beautiful work. She loves to draw and paint. We are noticing another gift in Elizabeth (Artistic). Her beautiful artwork speaks for itself.”