"Many have said to our clergy that they have greatly missed participating at Mass in person. I pray that same holy longing is in each of our hearts."
"Canon Law notes that while Sundays are holy days of obligation there always have been exceptions for people in serious situations."
In short, there is still an obligation to keep the day holy, including for those who invoke the dispensation and cannot participate at Mass in person. Participating in a Mass through technology (television or the internet) as well as some time in prayer, time with family, and time at rest does not adequately replace in-person worship. However, these endeavors are not without substantial merit. Again, even if one cannot or should not participate in an in-person Mass and embraces the dispensation, the full understanding of the commandment to keep Holy the Sabbath is not dispensed."The Judeo-Christian history is one of encountering God through actual, lived community—and community is built and sustained through actual lived interaction with other believers."