Just after the US bishops launched a petition urging the government to prevent federal taxpayer funding of abortion, President Joe Biden, only the country’s second Roman Catholic commander-in-chief, took steps to make such funding a reality.
El próximo lunes, 31 de mayo, el Papa Francisco concluirá la maratón de oración para invocar el fin de la pandemia rezando el Rosario en los Jardines Vaticanos, a las 17:45 horas (CET). La soledad, el desempleo, la violencia doméstica y social, pero también el progreso humano accesible a todos, y la reanudación de un fuerte impulso en la pastoral: estas son las distintas situaciones que se le confían a María en el rezo del Rosario con el que el Papa cerrará el mes mariano el lunes 31 de mayo y que puedes seguir en directo desde www.vaticanews.va
El Cardenal Arborelius y Monseñor van den Hende son los encargados de examinar la situación pastoral y la gestión de los casos de abusos sexuales en la Archidiócesis alemana. El Cardenal Woelki acoge “con gusto” y “plena convicción” la decisión del Pontífice
Ayer, el Papa Francisco se reunió con la Comunidad de la Pontificia Academia Eclesiástica y pasó más de una hora con los sacerdotes en un diálogo sencillo y abierto. El Papa también saludó a las Religiosas de la Comunidad Apostólica de María Siempre Virgen, que prestan su servicio en la Pontificia Academia Eclesiástica.
Pope Francis sends a video message to Sr. Norma Pimentel, MJ, thanking her for her team’s work to welcome Latin American migrants entering the United States.
Pope Francis has appointed Msgr. Gregory W. Gordon, vicar general of the Las Vegas Diocese since 2020, to be an auxiliary bishop of the Nevada diocese. Bishop-designate Gordon, 60, also has been diocesan chancellor and moderator of the diocese since 2020. Born in Philadelphia and raised in Nevada, he was ordained a priest for Las Vegas Jan. 16, 1988.
Pope Francis has ordered an apostolic visitation "to obtain a comprehensive picture of the complex pastoral situation" in the Archdiocese of Cologne and to investigate how accusations of clerical sexual abuse were handled, the Vatican nuncio to Germany announced.
The first Catholic cathedral in the United States could have been a Gothic structure, but the first bishop for the Catholic Church in America wanted something forward-looking for the new country.
A swath of shrink wrap held the priest's cassock tight to the coffin as the four men, in what looked like white space suits, lifted it toward the pastor's final journey May 11, on a funeral gurney through the main doors of the church that had been his home for 34 years.
At the start of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, I began scribbling notes, a type of therapy during confinement in my apartment in Washington. One of the entries was about my biggest fears: that my mother would contract the virus, or my friend Father Estefan Turcios in El Salvador, who's been like a father to me for 21 years.
En el marco del Día de África, que se celebra el 25 de mayo, Cáritas España recuerda que la migración proveniente continente "no es tanto un problema de seguridad como de derechos humanos" y subraya que "solo la cuarta parte del total de migrantes africanos vienen hacia Europa".
Los obispos estadounidenses han acogido con satisfacción la reasignación de Haití para el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS). La decisión fue anunciada el 22 de mayo por el Secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas.
The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on participation in religious services just as it did on workplaces, but a new survey indicates strong emotional resilience from those who consider their faith vital to their existence.
Sitting on a narrow bench and squashed between her two children in Nampula, Mozambique, Stella Miguel lamented that the government soldiers did not come to protect her family when Islamist militants raided their village in March and killed dozens of residents, including her husband and other three children.
Graciela Torres tiene dos hijos con discapacidad mental. Lograr que reciban una educación en las afueras de Moquegua, una pequeña ciudad del sur de Perú, nunca fue fácil. La llegada de la pandemia de COVID-19 lo hizo mucho más difícil.
After receiving an unprecedented letter from 67 bishops appealing for a delay in a discussion during the bishops' upcoming spring general assembly on whether to prepare a teaching document on the reception of Communion, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' president explained in a memo the procedure followed in bringing the question to a vote during the June 16-18 virtual meeting.
More than 700,000 foreigners in Italy are "invisible" in the eyes of the country's COVID-19 vaccination campaign and are being denied legal access to the vaccines, warned a top public official.
Not only does the general public want vaccination proof, mask mandates and social distancing options in sports venues, according to a poll conducted by Seton Hall University, sports fans want them in bigger numbers than the general public -- and avid fans most of all.
In our modern, high-tech society, it turns out some students still have good penmanship. And the winners of this year's Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest, announced this May, have very good penmanship.