East Timor’s Catholics reacted with shock but also expressions of support Friday for revered independence icon and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Carlos Ximenes Belo following allegations he sexually abused boys decades ago in the impoverished Southeast Asian nation.
This week civil and ecclesial leaders gathered in Rome for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees to explore constructive solutions to an increasing global flow of people. The discussions took place just days after Italy elected a new government that is expected to adopt hardline anti-migrant policies.
Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore hasn’t ruled out the possibility that some Baltimore parishes could close at the end of a new initiative to reimagine Catholic life in the city, but he has committed to a two-year synodal-based listening process before any decisions are made.
Life, as the famous John Lennon saying goes, is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. In a similar fashion, we might say that news is what happens while you’re paying attention to something else.
As Pope Francis appoints 10 new Members to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley, the Commission’s President, describes its renewed mission to be “the voice of the survivors in the community.”
Pope Francis sends a message to the FAO on the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, highlighting the importance of putting an end to inequalities that deny the poor of food in the face of increasing numbers of hungry people across the globe.
Even though there are only 5,000 Catholics living in Estonia, the local Church community continues to grow thanks to the imprint left by German Jesuit Eduard Profittlich, the Archbishop who promoted Catholicism in the Baltic nation before he died a martyr during the Soviet persecution of the 1940s.
The Bishops of Canada wrap up their first in-person Plenary Assembly since 2019, and pledge to continue “to walk together with Indigenous Partners on the Healing and Reconciliation Journey.”
Pope Francis encourages student participants at the Ursuline Global Education Compact to embrace true beauty and allow it shine throughout the world by welcoming the marginalized and working to defend our common home.
The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to OCSE calls for a greater commitment to combat intolerance and discrimination, including against Muslims, Christians and members of other religions.
“Los furtos espirituales del Jubileo Guadalupense, la convocatoria a un Sínodo diocesano, y los desafíos que tiene que afrontar la Iglesia en Toledo”, son algunos de los temas tratados en la entrevista con Don Raúl Muelas, Vicario General de la Arquidiócesis de Toledo, España.
El arzobispo de Bogotá y presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal de Colombia, monseñor Luis José Rueda Aparicio, manifiesta su dolor y preocupación por los actos vandálicos cometidos en la capital en medio de las manifestaciones.
El anuncio fue comunicado este viernes 30 de septiembre por la Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede. Colaborarán en la misión de promover ambientes seguros en la Iglesia católica, en línea con las directrices del Papa.
El presidente de la Comisión Pontificia para la Protección de Menores luego de la incorporación de este al Dicasterio para la Doctrina de la Fe, reitera la misión de promover espacios seguros en la Iglesia para los menores, “entendido la realidad de lo que han sufrido”.
El Papa Francisco recibió a los miembros de la Fraternidad de Agrupaciones Santo Tomás de Aquino, asociación internacional de fieles de Derecho pontificio fundada en Argentina en 1962. Su gran patrono, les dijo, enseña que cuando la inteligencia y el alma se toman de la mano son capaces de construir sociedades más humanas y fraternas
The head of the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia said the FBI's arrest of a prominent Catholic pro-life activist known for his sidewalk counseling outside a Philadelphia abortion facility is "a horrendous stunt to intimidate pro-lifers."
It's too early to tell the extent of the damage in the Catholic dioceses of Venice and St. Petersburg in Florida following a direct hit Sept. 28 by Hurricane Ian, one of the most powerful hurricanes the state has seen.
Pope Francis said that while he has defined Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as “unacceptable, repugnant, senseless aggression, barbaric (and) sacrilegious,” he also said that too many people have taken a simplistic view of the war.
Members of the Pan-African Association of Exegetes have urged African governments, peoples, and businesses to take environmental protection as a divine mandate.